# https://help.github.com/en/articles/metadata-syntax-for-github-actions name: 'GitHub Pages' description: 'GitHub Action to deploy to GitHub Pages' author: 'crazy-max' branding: color: 'green' icon: 'upload-cloud' inputs: domain: description: 'Git domain (default github.com)' required: false default: 'github.com' repo: description: 'GitHub repository where assets will be deployed (default $GITHUB_REPOSITORY)' required: false target_branch: description: 'Git branch where assets will be deployed' default: 'gh-pages' required: false keep_history: description: 'Create incremental commit instead of doing push force' default: 'false' required: false allow_empty_commit: description: 'Allow an empty commit to be created' default: 'true' required: false build_dir: description: 'Build directory to deploy' required: true absolute_build_dir: description: 'Whether to treat build_dir as an absolute path' default: 'false' required: false follow_symlinks: description: 'If enabled, the content of symbolic links will be copied' default: 'false' required: false committer: description: 'The committer name and email address' required: false author: description: 'The author name and email address' required: false commit_message: description: 'Commit message' required: false fqdn: description: 'Write the given domain name to the CNAME file' required: false jekyll: description: 'Allow Jekyll to build your site' default: 'true' required: false dry_run: description: 'If enabled, nothing will be pushed' default: 'false' required: false verbose: description: 'Enable verbose output' default: 'false' required: false runs: using: 'node16' main: 'dist/index.js'