import * as child_process from 'child_process'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as exec from '@actions/exec'; async function run() { try { const repo = core.getInput('repo') || process.env['GITHUB_REPOSITORY'] || ''; const target_branch = core.getInput('target_branch') || 'gh-pages'; const build_dir = core.getInput('build_dir', {required: true}); const username = process.env['GITHUB_ACTOR'] || 'github-actions'; if (!fs.existsSync(build_dir)) { core.setFailed('⛔️ Build dir does not exist'); return; } `🏃 Deploying ${build_dir} directory to ${target_branch} branch on ${repo} repo` ); process.chdir(build_dir); await exec.exec('git', ['init']); await exec.exec('git', ['config', '', username]); await exec.exec('git', [ 'config', '', `${username}` ]); try { child_process.execSync('git status --porcelain').toString(); } catch (err) {'⚠️Nothing to deploy'); return; } await exec.exec('git', ['add', '.']); await exec.exec('git', [ 'commit', '--allow-empty', '-m', 'Deploy to GitHub pages' ]); let gitURL = String('https://'); if (process.env['GITHUB_PAT']) { gitURL = gitURL.concat(process.env['GITHUB_PAT']); } else if (process.env['GITHUB_TOKEN']) { gitURL = gitURL.concat('x-access-token:', process.env['GITHUB_TOKEN']); } else { core.setFailed('❌️ You have to provide a GITHUB_TOKEN or GITHUB_PAT'); return; } await exec.exec('git', [ 'push', '--force', '--quiet', gitURL.concat('', repo, '.git'), `master:${target_branch}` ]); process.chdir(process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] || '.'); `🎉 Content of $INPUT_BUILD_DIR has been deployed to GitHub Pages.` ); } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } run();