import addressparser from 'addressparser'; import {copy} from 'fs-extra'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as git from './git'; async function run() { try { const domain: string = core.getInput('domain') || ''; const repo: string = core.getInput('repo') || process.env['GITHUB_REPOSITORY'] || ''; const targetBranch: string = core.getInput('target_branch') || git.defaults.targetBranch; const keepHistory: boolean = /true/i.test(core.getInput('keep_history')); const allowEmptyCommit: boolean = /true/i.test(core.getInput('allow_empty_commit')); const buildDir: string = core.getInput('build_dir', {required: true}); const committer: string = core.getInput('committer') || git.defaults.committer; const author: string = core.getInput('author') ||; const commitMessage: string = core.getInput('commit_message') || git.defaults.message; const fqdn: string = core.getInput('fqdn'); const nojekyll: boolean = /false/i.test(core.getInput('jekyll')); const dryRun: boolean = /true/i.test(core.getInput('dry_run')); const verbose: boolean = /true/i.test(core.getInput('verbose')); if (!fs.existsSync(buildDir)) { core.setFailed('Build dir does not exist'); return; } let remoteURL = String('https://'); if (process.env['GH_PAT']) { core.debug(`Use GH_PAT`); remoteURL = remoteURL.concat(process.env['GH_PAT'].trim(), '@'); } else if (process.env['GITHUB_TOKEN']) { core.debug(`Use GITHUB_TOKEN`); remoteURL = remoteURL.concat('x-access-token:', process.env['GITHUB_TOKEN'].trim(), '@'); } else if (!dryRun) { core.setFailed('You have to provide a GITHUB_TOKEN or GH_PAT'); return; } remoteURL = remoteURL.concat(domain, '/', repo, '.git'); core.debug(`remoteURL=${remoteURL}`); const remoteBranchExists: boolean = await git.remoteBranchExists(remoteURL, targetBranch); core.debug(`remoteBranchExists=${remoteBranchExists}`); const tmpdir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'github-pages-')); core.debug(`tmpdir=${tmpdir}`); const currentdir = path.resolve('.'); core.debug(`currentdir=${currentdir}`); process.chdir(tmpdir); if (keepHistory && remoteBranchExists) { core.startGroup(`Cloning ${repo}`); await git.clone(remoteURL, targetBranch, '.'); core.endGroup(); } else { core.startGroup(`Initializing local git repo`); await git.init('.'); await git.checkout(targetBranch); core.endGroup(); } let copyCount = 0; await`Copying ${path.join(currentdir, buildDir)} to ${tmpdir}`, async () => { await copy(path.join(currentdir, buildDir), tmpdir, { filter: (src, dest) => { if (verbose) {`${src} => ${dest}`); } else { if (copyCount > 1 && copyCount % 80 === 0) { process.stdout.write('\n'); } process.stdout.write('.'); copyCount++; } return true; } }).catch(error => { core.error(error); });`${copyCount} file(s) copied.`); }); if (fqdn) {`Writing ${fqdn} domain name to ${path.join(tmpdir, 'CNAME')}`); await fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tmpdir, 'CNAME'), fqdn.trim()); } if (nojekyll) {`Disabling Jekyll support via ${path.join(tmpdir, '.nojekyll')}`); await fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tmpdir, '.nojekyll'), ''); } const isDirty: boolean = await git.isDirty(); core.debug(`isDirty=${isDirty}`); if (keepHistory && remoteBranchExists && !isDirty) {'No changes to commit'); return; } const committerPrs: addressparser.Address = addressparser(committer)[0]; core.startGroup(`Configuring git committer`); await git.setConfig('',; await git.setConfig('', committerPrs.address); core.endGroup(); if (!(await git.hasChanges())) {'Nothing to deploy'); return; } core.startGroup(`Updating index of working tree`); await git.add('.', verbose); core.endGroup(); const authorPrs: addressparser.Address = addressparser(author)[0]; await`Committing changes`, async () => { await git.commit(allowEmptyCommit, `${} <${authorPrs.address}>`, commitMessage); await git.showStat().then(output => {; }); }); if (!dryRun) { core.startGroup(`Pushing ${buildDir} directory to ${targetBranch} branch on ${repo} repo`); if (!keepHistory) { core.debug(`Force push`); } await git.push(remoteURL, targetBranch, !keepHistory); core.endGroup();`Content of ${buildDir} has been deployed to GitHub Pages!`); } else { core.warning(`Push disabled (dry run)`); } process.chdir(currentdir); } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } run();