All checks were successful
Build blog docker image / Build-Blog-Image (push) Successful in 3m23s
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196 lines
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using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Markdig;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using YaeBlog.Core.Abstractions;
using YaeBlog.Core.Exceptions;
using YaeBlog.Core.Models;
namespace YaeBlog.Core.Services;
public partial class RendererService(
ILogger<RendererService> logger,
IEssayScanService essayScanService,
MarkdownPipeline markdownPipeline,
IEssayContentService essayContentService)
private readonly Stopwatch _stopwatch = new();
private readonly List<IPreRenderProcessor> _preRenderProcessors = [];
private readonly List<IPostRenderProcessor> _postRenderProcessors = [];
public async Task RenderAsync()
logger.LogInformation("Render essays start.");
BlogContents contents = await essayScanService.ScanContents();
List<BlogContent> posts = contents.Posts.ToList();
IEnumerable<BlogContent> preProcessedContents = await PreProcess(posts);
List<BlogEssay> essays = [];
await Task.Run(() =>
foreach (BlogContent content in preProcessedContents)
uint wordCount = GetWordCount(content);
BlogEssay essay = new()
Title = content.Metadata.Title ?? content.FileName,
FileName = content.FileName,
Description = GetDescription(content),
WordCount = wordCount,
ReadTime = CalculateReadTime(wordCount),
PublishTime = content.Metadata.Date ?? DateTime.Now,
HtmlContent = content.FileContent
if (content.Metadata.Tags is not null)
ConcurrentBag<BlogEssay> postProcessEssays = [];
Parallel.ForEach(essays, essay =>
BlogEssay newEssay =
essay.WithNewHtmlContent(Markdown.ToHtml(essay.HtmlContent, markdownPipeline));
logger.LogDebug("Render markdown file {}.", newEssay);
await PostProcess(postProcessEssays);
logger.LogInformation("Render finished, consuming {} s.",
public void AddPreRenderProcessor(IPreRenderProcessor processor)
bool exist = _preRenderProcessors.Any(p => p.Name == processor.Name);
if (exist)
throw new InvalidOperationException("There exists one pre-render processor " +
$"with the same name: {processor.Name}.");
public void AddPostRenderProcessor(IPostRenderProcessor processor)
bool exist = _postRenderProcessors.Any(p => p.Name == processor.Name);
if (exist)
throw new InvalidCastException("There exists one post-render processor " +
$"with the same name: {processor.Name}.");
private async Task<IEnumerable<BlogContent>> PreProcess(IEnumerable<BlogContent> contents)
ConcurrentBag<BlogContent> processedContents = [];
await Parallel.ForEachAsync(contents, async (content, _) =>
foreach (var processor in _preRenderProcessors)
content = await processor.ProcessAsync(content);
return processedContents;
private async Task PostProcess(IEnumerable<BlogEssay> essays)
await Parallel.ForEachAsync(essays, async (essay, _) =>
foreach (IPostRenderProcessor processor in _postRenderProcessors)
essay = await processor.ProcessAsync(essay);
if (!essayContentService.TryAdd(essay))
throw new BlogFileException(
$"There are two essays with the same name: '{essay.FileName}'.");
// private static partial Regex DescriptionPattern();
private static partial Regex DescriptionPattern { get; }
private string GetDescription(BlogContent content)
const string delimiter = "<!--more-->";
int pos = content.FileContent.IndexOf(delimiter, StringComparison.Ordinal);
bool breakSentence = false;
if (pos == -1)
// 自动截取前50个字符
pos = content.FileContent.Length < 50 ? content.FileContent.Length : 50;
breakSentence = true;
string rawContent = content.FileContent[..pos];
MatchCollection matches = DescriptionPattern.Matches(rawContent);
StringBuilder builder = new();
foreach (Match match in matches)
if (breakSentence)
string description = builder.ToString();
logger.LogDebug("Description of {} is {}.", content.FileName,
return description;
private uint GetWordCount(BlogContent content)
int count = (from c in content.FileContent
where char.IsLetterOrDigit(c)
select c).Count();
logger.LogDebug("Word count of {} is {}", content.FileName,
return (uint)count;
private static string CalculateReadTime(uint wordCount)
// 据说语文教学大纲规定,中国高中生阅读现代文的速度是600字每分钟
int second = (int)wordCount / 10;
TimeSpan span = new(0, 0, second);
return span.ToString("mm'分 'ss'秒'");