refactor: 重写题目获得逻辑

This commit is contained in:
jackfiled 2024-01-12 23:07:53 +08:00
parent aedfa99c55
commit 6f82b0a9c9
6 changed files with 311 additions and 577 deletions

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::json;
pub mod fetcher;
pub mod manager;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CodeDefinition {
pub value: String,
pub text: String,
#[serde(rename = "defaultCode")]
pub default_code: String
/// LeetCode 单个问题
pub struct Problem {
pub title: String,
pub title_slug: String,
pub content: String,
pub code_definition: Vec<CodeDefinition>,
pub question_id: u32,
pub return_type: String
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Stat {
question_id: u32,
#[serde(rename = "question__article__slug")]
question_article_slug: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "question__title")]
pub question_title: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "question__title_slug")]
pub question_title_slug: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "question__hide")]
question_hide: bool,
total_acs: u32,
total_submitted: u32,
pub frontend_question_id: String,
is_new_question: bool,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct StatWithStatus {
pub stat: Stat,
pub paid_only: bool,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Problems {
pub stat_status_pairs: Vec<StatWithStatus>
const QUESTION_QUERY_STRING: &str = r#"
query questionData($titleSlug: String!) {
question(titleSlug: $titleSlug) {
const QUESTION_QUERY_OPERATION: &str = "questionData";
/// 题目查询
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Query {
#[serde(rename = "operationName")]
operation_name: String,
variables: serde_json::Value,
query: String
impl Query {
pub fn new(title: &str) -> Query {
Query {
operation_name: QUESTION_QUERY_OPERATION.to_owned(),
variables: json!({
"titleSlug": title
query: QUESTION_QUERY_STRING.to_owned()
pub struct Fetcher {
client: reqwest::Client
pub struct ProblemManager {
pub problem_list: Vec<u32>,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
use std::error::Error;
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use super::{Problem, Problems, Query, Fetcher};
const PROBLEMS_URL: &str = "";
const GRAPHQL_URL: &str = "";
impl Fetcher {
pub fn new() -> Fetcher {
Fetcher {
client: reqwest::Client::new()
pub async fn get_problems(&self) -> Result<Problems, reqwest::Error> {
pub async fn get_problem(self, question_id: u32) -> Result<Problem, Box<dyn Error>> {
let problems = self.get_problems().await?;
for problem in &problems.stat_status_pairs {
match problem.stat.frontend_question_id.parse::<u32>() {
Ok(id) => {
if id == question_id {
if problem.paid_only {
return Err("failed to get paid only problem".into())
let query = match &problem.stat.question_title_slug {
None => {
Err::<Query, Box<dyn Error>>("failed to get problem title slug".into())
Some(value) => {
let response = self.client
let title = problem.stat.question_title.clone()
.ok_or::<Box<dyn Error>>("failed to get problem title".into())?;
let title_slug = problem.stat.question_title_slug.clone()
.ok_or::<Box<dyn Error>>("failed to get problem title slug".into())?;
let return_type = {
let v = serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(
v.and_then(|x| {
return Ok(x.to_string().replace("\"", ""))
let code_definition = serde_json::from_str(
return Ok(Problem {
question_id: id,
Err(_) => {}
Err("failed to get target problem".into())
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct RawProblem {
data: Data,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Data {
question: Question,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Question {
content: String,
stats: String,
#[serde(rename = "codeDefinition")]
code_definition: String,
#[serde(rename = "sampleTestCase")]
sample_test_case: String,
#[serde(rename = "metaData")]
meta_data: String,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
use super::{Problem, ProblemManager};
use std::fs;
use regex::{Regex};
impl ProblemManager {
pub fn scan() -> Result<ProblemManager, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let pattern = Regex::new(r"p(\d{4})_")?;
let mut problems = Vec::new();
let mod_content = fs::read_to_string("./src/problem/")?;
for i in pattern.captures_iter(&mod_content) {
match i.get(1) {
None => {}
Some(value) => {
match value.as_str().parse::<u32>() {
Ok(id) => {
Err(_) => {}
Ok(ProblemManager {
problem_list: problems
impl Problem {
pub fn get_filename(&self) -> String {
format!("p{}_{}", self.question_id, self.title_slug.replace('-', "_"))
pub fn get_file_content(&self) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let template = fs::read_to_string("./")?;
let code = self.code_definition
.find(|x| x.value == "rust");
let code = code.ok_or::<Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(
format!("problem {} doesn't have rust version", self.question_id).into()
let source = template
.replace("__PROBLEM_TITLE__", &self.title)
.replace("__PROBLEM_ID__", self.question_id.to_string().as_str())
.replace("__EXTRA_USE__", &parse_extra_use(&code.default_code));
fn parse_extra_use(code: &str) -> String {
let mut extra_use_line = String::new();
// a linked-list problem
if code.contains("pub struct ListNode") {
extra_use_line.push_str("\nuse crate::util::linked_list::{ListNode, to_list};")
if code.contains("pub struct TreeNode") {
extra_use_line.push_str("\nuse crate::util::tree::{TreeNode, to_tree};")
if code.contains("pub struct Point") {
extra_use_line.push_str("\nuse crate::util::point::Point;")

View File

@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate serde_json;
use serde_json::Value;
use std::fmt::{Display, Error, Formatter};
const PROBLEMS_URL: &str = "";
const GRAPHQL_URL: &str = "";
const QUESTION_QUERY_STRING: &str = r#"
query questionData($titleSlug: String!) {
question(titleSlug: $titleSlug) {
const QUESTION_QUERY_OPERATION: &str = "questionData";
pub async fn get_problem(frontend_question_id: u32) -> Option<Problem> {
let problems = get_problems().await.unwrap();
for problem in problems.stat_status_pairs.iter() {
match problem.stat.frontend_question_id.parse::<u32>() {
Ok(id) => {
if id == frontend_question_id {
if problem.paid_only {
return None;
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let resp: RawProblem = client
return Some(Problem {
title: problem.stat.question_title.clone().unwrap(),
title_slug: problem.stat.question_title_slug.clone().unwrap(),
code_definition: serde_json::from_str(&,
difficulty: problem.difficulty.to_string(),
question_id: id,
return_type: {
let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(&;
v["return"]["type"].to_string().replace("\"", "")
_ => {}
pub async fn get_problem_async(problem_stat: StatWithStatus) -> Option<Problem> {
if problem_stat.paid_only {
"Problem {} is paid-only",
return None;
let resp = surf::post(GRAPHQL_URL).body_json(&Query::question_query(
if resp.is_err() {
"Problem {} not initialized due to some error",
return None;
let resp = resp.unwrap().recv_json().await;
if resp.is_err() {
"Problem {} not initialized due to some error",
return None;
let resp: RawProblem = resp.unwrap();
match problem_stat.stat.frontend_question_id.parse::<u32>() {
Ok(id) => {
return Some(Problem {
title: problem_stat.stat.question_title.clone().unwrap(),
title_slug: problem_stat.stat.question_title_slug.clone().unwrap(),
code_definition: serde_json::from_str(&,
difficulty: problem_stat.difficulty.to_string(),
question_id: id,
return_type: {
let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(&;
v["return"]["type"].to_string().replace("\"", "")
_ => {
pub async fn get_problems() -> Option<Problems> {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Problem {
pub title: String,
pub title_slug: String,
pub content: String,
#[serde(rename = "codeDefinition")]
pub code_definition: Vec<CodeDefinition>,
#[serde(rename = "sampleTestCase")]
pub sample_test_case: String,
pub difficulty: String,
pub question_id: u32,
pub return_type: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CodeDefinition {
pub value: String,
pub text: String,
#[serde(rename = "defaultCode")]
pub default_code: String,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Query {
#[serde(rename = "operationName")]
operation_name: String,
variables: serde_json::Value,
query: String,
impl Query {
fn question_query(title_slug: &str) -> Query {
Query {
operation_name: QUESTION_QUERY_OPERATION.to_owned(),
variables: json!({ "titleSlug": title_slug }),
query: QUESTION_QUERY_STRING.to_owned(),
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct RawProblem {
data: Data,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Data {
question: Question,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Question {
content: String,
stats: String,
#[serde(rename = "codeDefinition")]
code_definition: String,
#[serde(rename = "sampleTestCase")]
sample_test_case: String,
#[serde(rename = "metaData")]
meta_data: String,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Problems {
user_name: String,
num_solved: u32,
num_total: u32,
ac_easy: u32,
ac_medium: u32,
ac_hard: u32,
pub stat_status_pairs: Vec<StatWithStatus>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct StatWithStatus {
pub stat: Stat,
difficulty: Difficulty,
paid_only: bool,
is_favor: bool,
frequency: u32,
progress: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Stat {
question_id: u32,
#[serde(rename = "question__article__slug")]
question_article_slug: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "question__title")]
question_title: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "question__title_slug")]
question_title_slug: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "question__hide")]
question_hide: bool,
total_acs: u32,
total_submitted: u32,
pub frontend_question_id: String,
is_new_question: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Difficulty {
level: u32,
impl Display for Difficulty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> {
match self.level {
1 => f.write_str("Easy"),
2 => f.write_str("Medium"),
3 => f.write_str("Hard"),
_ => f.write_str("Unknown"),

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
pub mod util;
pub mod solution;
pub mod problem;

View File

@ -1,366 +1,65 @@
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json;
mod fetcher;
use crate::fetcher::{CodeDefinition, Problem};
use regex::Regex;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::{BufRead, Write};
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::fetch_problem::{Fetcher, ProblemManager};
use futures::executor::block_on;
use futures::executor::ThreadPool;
use futures::future::join_all;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use futures::task::SpawnExt;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
mod fetch_problem;
/// main() helps to generate the submission template .rs
async fn main() {
println!("Welcome to leetcode-rust system.\n");
let mut initialized_ids = get_initialized_ids();
loop {
"Please enter a frontend problem id, \n\
or \"random\" to generate a random one, \n\
or \"solve $i\" to move problem to solution/, \n\
or \"all\" to initialize all problems \n"
let mut is_random = false;
let mut is_solving = false;
let mut id: u32 = 0;
let mut id_arg = String::new();
.read_line(&mut id_arg)
.expect("Failed to read line");
let id_arg = id_arg.trim();
let manager = ProblemManager::scan().expect("Failed to scan mod file.");
let fetcher = Fetcher::new();
let random_pattern = Regex::new(r"^random$").unwrap();
let solving_pattern = Regex::new(r"^solve (\d+)$").unwrap();
let all_pattern = Regex::new(r"^all$").unwrap();
let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
let operation = &args[1].as_str();
if random_pattern.is_match(id_arg) {
println!("You select random mode.");
id = generate_random_id(&initialized_ids);
is_random = true;
println!("Generate random problem: {}", &id);
} else if solving_pattern.is_match(id_arg) {
// solve a problem
// move it from problem/ to solution/
is_solving = true;
id = solving_pattern
} else if all_pattern.is_match(id_arg) {
// deal all problems
let pool = ThreadPool::new().unwrap();
let mut tasks = vec![];
let problems = fetcher::get_problems().await.unwrap();
let mut mod_file_addon = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![]));
for problem_stat in problems.stat_status_pairs {
match problem_stat.stat.frontend_question_id.parse::<u32>() {
match operation {
&"get" => {
let id = args[2].parse::<u32>();
match id {
Ok(id) => {
if initialized_ids.contains(&id) {
if manager.problem_list.contains(&id) {
eprintln!("Problem {} exists.", id);
println!("Try to get problem {}...", id);
let problem = fetcher.get_problem(id).await
.expect(&*format!("Failed to get problem {}.", id));
let file_name = problem.get_filename();
println!("Get problem: {}.", file_name);
let content = problem.get_file_content().expect("Failed to format file content");
write_file(&file_name, &content).expect("Failed to write problem file.");
Err(_) => {
eprintln!("Get operation needs a usize param.")
_ => {}
let mod_file_addon = mod_file_addon.clone();
pool.spawn_with_handle(async move {
let problem = fetcher::get_problem_async(problem_stat).await;
if problem.is_none() {
let problem = problem.unwrap();
let code = problem
.find(|&d| d.value == "rust".to_string());
if code.is_none() {
println!("Problem {} has no rust version.", problem.question_id);
// not sure this can be async
async {
"mod p{:04}_{};",
problem.title_slug.replace("-", "_")
let code = code.unwrap();
// not sure this can be async
// maybe should use async-std io
async { deal_problem(&problem, &code, false) }.await
let mut lib_file = fs::OpenOptions::new()
writeln!(lib_file, "{}", mod_file_addon.lock().unwrap().join("\n"));
} else {
id = id_arg
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("not a number: {}", id_arg));
if initialized_ids.contains(&id) {
println!("The problem you chose has been initialized in problem/");
let problem = fetcher::get_problem(id).await.unwrap_or_else(|| {
"Error: failed to get problem #{} \
(The problem may be paid-only or may not be exist).",
let code = problem
.find(|&d| d.value == "rust".to_string());
if code.is_none() {
println!("Problem {} has no rust version.", &id);
let code = code.unwrap();
deal_problem(&problem, &code, true);
fn generate_random_id(except_ids: &[u32]) -> u32 {
use rand::Rng;
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
loop {
let res: u32 = rng.gen_range(1, 1106);
if !except_ids.contains(&res) {
return res;
"Generate a random num ({}), but it is invalid (the problem may have been solved \
or may have no rust version). Regenerate..",
fn get_initialized_ids() -> Vec<u32> {
let content = fs::read_to_string("./src/problem/").unwrap();
let id_pattern = Regex::new(r"p(\d{4})_").unwrap();
.map(|x| x.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse().unwrap())
fn parse_extra_use(code: &str) -> String {
let mut extra_use_line = String::new();
// a linked-list problem
if code.contains("pub struct ListNode") {
extra_use_line.push_str("\nuse crate::util::linked_list::{ListNode, to_list};")
if code.contains("pub struct TreeNode") {
extra_use_line.push_str("\nuse crate::util::tree::{TreeNode, to_tree};")
if code.contains("pub struct Point") {
extra_use_line.push_str("\nuse crate::util::point::Point;")
fn parse_problem_link(problem: &Problem) -> String {
format!("{}/", problem.title_slug)
fn parse_discuss_link(problem: &Problem) -> String {
fn insert_return_in_code(return_type: &str, code: &str) -> String {
let re = Regex::new(r"\{[ \n]+}").unwrap();
match return_type {
"ListNode" => re
.replace(&code, "{\n Some(Box::new(ListNode::new(0)))\n }")
"ListNode[]" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"TreeNode" => re
"{\n Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(TreeNode::new(0))))\n }",
"boolean" => re.replace(&code, "{\n false\n }").to_string(),
"character" => re.replace(&code, "{\n '0'\n }").to_string(),
"character[][]" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"double" => re.replace(&code, "{\n 0f64\n }").to_string(),
"double[]" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"int[]" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"integer" => re.replace(&code, "{\n 0\n }").to_string(),
"integer[]" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"integer[][]" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"list<String>" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"list<TreeNode>" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"list<boolean>" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"list<double>" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"list<integer>" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"list<list<integer>>" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"list<list<string>>" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"list<string>" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"null" => code.to_string(),
"string" => re
.replace(&code, "{\n String::new()\n }")
"string[]" => re.replace(&code, "{\n vec![]\n }").to_string(),
"void" => code.to_string(),
"NestedInteger" => code.to_string(),
"Node" => code.to_string(),
_ => code.to_string(),
fn build_desc(content: &str) -> String {
// TODO: fix this shit
.replace("<strong>", "")
.replace("</strong>", "")
.replace("<em>", "")
.replace("</em>", "")
.replace("</p>", "")
.replace("<p>", "")
.replace("<b>", "")
.replace("</b>", "")
.replace("<pre>", "")
.replace("</pre>", "")
.replace("<ul>", "")
.replace("</ul>", "")
.replace("<li>", "")
.replace("</li>", "")
.replace("<code>", "")
.replace("</code>", "")
.replace("<i>", "")
.replace("</i>", "")
.replace("<sub>", "")
.replace("</sub>", "")
.replace("</sup>", "")
.replace("<sup>", "^")
.replace("&nbsp;", " ")
.replace("&gt;", ">")
.replace("&lt;", "<")
.replace("&quot;", "\"")
.replace("&minus;", "-")
.replace("&#39;", "'")
.replace("\n\n", "\n")
.replace("\n", "\n * ")
async fn deal_solving(id: &u32) {
let problem = fetcher::get_problem(*id).await.unwrap();
let file_name = format!(
problem.title_slug.replace("-", "_")
fn write_file(file_name: &String, file_content: &String) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let file_path = Path::new("./src/problem").join(format!("{}.rs", file_name));
// check problem/ existence
if !file_path.exists() {
panic!("problem does not exist");
// check solution/ no existence
let solution_name = format!(
problem.title_slug.replace("-", "_")
let solution_path = Path::new("./src/solution").join(format!("{}.rs", solution_name));
if solution_path.exists() {
panic!("solution exists");
// rename/move file
fs::rename(file_path, solution_path).unwrap();
// remove from problem/
let mod_file = "./src/problem/";
let target_line = format!("mod {};", file_name);
let lines: Vec<String> = io::BufReader::new(File::open(mod_file).unwrap())
.map(|x| x.unwrap())
.filter(|x| *x != target_line)
fs::write(mod_file, lines.join("\n"));
// insert into solution/
let mut lib_file = fs::OpenOptions::new()
writeln!(lib_file, "mod {};", solution_name);
fn deal_problem(problem: &Problem, code: &CodeDefinition, write_mod_file: bool) {
let file_name = format!(
problem.title_slug.replace("-", "_")
let file_path = Path::new("./src/problem").join(format!("{}.rs", file_name));
if file_path.exists() {
panic!("problem already initialized");
let template = fs::read_to_string("./").unwrap();
let source = template
.replace("__PROBLEM_TITLE__", &problem.title)
.replace("__PROBLEM_DESC__", &build_desc(&problem.content))
&insert_return_in_code(&problem.return_type, &code.default_code),
.replace("__PROBLEM_ID__", &format!("{}", problem.question_id))
.replace("__EXTRA_USE__", &parse_extra_use(&code.default_code))
.replace("__PROBLEM_LINK__", &parse_problem_link(problem))
.replace("__DISCUSS_LINK__", &parse_discuss_link(problem));
let mut file = fs::OpenOptions::new()
if write_mod_file {
let mut lib_file = fs::OpenOptions::new()
let mut mod_file = fs::OpenOptions::new()
writeln!(lib_file, "mod {};", file_name);
write!(mod_file, "\nmod {};", file_name)