misc: 清除冗余的代码

Reviewed-on: PostGuard/Canon#75
Co-authored-by: Lan_G <2911328695@qq.com>
Co-committed-by: Lan_G <2911328695@qq.com>
This commit is contained in:
Lan_G 2024-05-06 00:12:57 +08:00 committed by jackfiled
parent 6e8e3885ac
commit 160fafef70
30 changed files with 11 additions and 896 deletions

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
namespace Canon.Core.Abstractions;
/// <summary>
/// 支持生成C语言代码的接口
/// </summary>
public interface ICCodeGenerator
public void GenerateCCode(CCodeBuilder builder);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System.Text; using System.Text;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
namespace Canon.Core.CodeGenerators; namespace Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
@ -13,11 +12,6 @@ public class CCodeBuilder
private int _scopeCount = 0; private int _scopeCount = 0;
private string _scopeEmpty = string.Empty; private string _scopeEmpty = string.Empty;
public void AddString(string code)
public void AddLine(string code) public void AddLine(string code)
{ {
foreach (string line in code.Split('\n')) foreach (string line in code.Split('\n'))

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
namespace Canon.Core.Exceptions;
/// <summary>
/// 语义分析中引发的异常
/// </summary>
public class SemanticException : Exception
public SemanticException() : base() { }
public SemanticException(string message) : base(message) { }
public SemanticException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { }

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@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
using System.Globalization;
using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;
using Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
using BasicType = Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes.BasicType;
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
public class CCodeGenerateVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : TypeCheckVisitor(logger)
public CCodeBuilder Builder { get; } = new();
public override void PreVisit(ProgramStruct programStruct)
Builder.AddString("#include <stdbool.h>\n");
Builder.AddString("#include <stdio.h>\n");
private string? _constValue;
public override void PreVisit(ConstDeclaration constDeclaration)
(_, ConstValue constValue) = constDeclaration.ConstValue;
constValue.OnCharacterGenerator += (_, e) =>
_constValue = "'" + e.Token.LiteralValue + "'";
constValue.OnNumberGenerator += (_, e) =>
if (e.IsNegative)
_constValue = "-";
if (e.Token.NumberType == NumberType.Integer)
_constValue += e.Token.ParseAsInteger();
_constValue += e.Token.ParseAsReal();
public override void PostVisit(ConstDeclaration constDeclaration)
(IdentifierSemanticToken token, ConstValue constValue) = constDeclaration.ConstValue;
string cTypeName = TryParseBasicType(constValue.ConstType);
Builder.AddString("const " + cTypeName + " " + token.IdentifierName + " = " + _constValue + ";\n");
_constValue = "";
public override void PostVisit(VarDeclaration varDeclaration)
string idName = varDeclaration.Token.IdentifierName;
var type = varDeclaration.IdentifierList.DefinitionType;
if (type is PascalBasicType)
Builder.AddString(idName + ";\n");
TryParseArrayType(type, out string _, out string periods);
Builder.AddString(idName + periods + ";\n");
public override void PreVisit(IdentifierList identifierList)
identifierList.OnTypeGenerator += (_, e) =>
e.TypeSyntaxNode.IsProcedure = identifierList.IsProcedure;
public override void PostVisit(IdentifierList identifierList)
identifierList.OnIdentifierGenerator += (_, e) =>
string periods = ""; //如果是数组定义,需要每个标识符后带上
if (e.IdentifierList.DefinitionType is PascalArrayType pascalArrayType)
TryParseArrayType(pascalArrayType, out string _, out string periods0);
periods = periods0;
Builder.AddString(e.IdentifierToken.IdentifierName + periods + ", ");
public override void PreVisit(TypeSyntaxNode typeSyntaxNode)
typeSyntaxNode.OnBasicTypeGenerator += (_, e) =>
e.BasicType.IsProcedure = typeSyntaxNode.IsProcedure;
typeSyntaxNode.OnArrayTypeGenerator += (_, e) =>
e.BasicType.IsProcedure = typeSyntaxNode.IsProcedure;
public override void PostVisit(BasicType basicType)
if (!basicType.IsProcedure)
Builder.AddString(TryParseBasicType(basicType.PascalType) + " ");
public override void PostVisit(SubprogramHead subprogramHead)
string subprogramName = subprogramHead.SubprogramName.IdentifierName;
if (subprogramHead.IsProcedure)
Builder.AddString("void ");
List<string> parametersInfo = new();
foreach (List<Symbol> children in ValueParameters)
foreach (Symbol symbol in children.AsEnumerable().Reverse())
if (symbol.SymbolType is PascalBasicType pascalType)
string typeName = TryParseBasicType(pascalType);
if (symbol.Reference)
parametersInfo.Add(typeName + "* " + symbol.SymbolName);
parametersInfo.Add(typeName + " " + symbol.SymbolName);
TryParseArrayType(symbol.SymbolType, out string basicTypeName, out string periods);
parametersInfo.Add(string.Concat(basicTypeName, " ", symbol.SymbolName, "[]",
periods.Substring(periods.IndexOf(']') + 1)));
Builder.AddString(string.Join(", ", parametersInfo));
private string _subprogramName = "";
public override void PreVisit(Subprogram subprogram)
_subprogramName = subprogram.Head.SubprogramName.IdentifierName;
public override void PostVisit(Subprogram subprogram)
if (subprogram.Head.IsProcedure)
Builder.AddString("return " + subprogram.Head.SubprogramName.IdentifierName + ";\n}\n");
public override void PreVisit(SubprogramBody subprogramBody)
SymbolTable.TryGetSymbol(_subprogramName, out var symbol);
if (symbol is null || symbol.SymbolType is not PascalBasicType)
Builder.AddString(TryParseBasicType(symbol.SymbolType.Convert<PascalType>()) + " " + _subprogramName + ";\n");
public override void PreVisit(ProcedureCall procedureCall)
string procedureName = procedureCall.ProcedureId.IdentifierName;
if (procedureName == "read")
Builder.AddString("scanf(\"%d\", &");
if (procedureName == "write")
Builder.AddString("printf(\"%d\", ");
Builder.AddString(procedureName + "(");
procedureCall.OnParameterGenerator += (_, e) =>
string procedureIdName = procedureCall.ProcedureId.IdentifierName;
SymbolTable.TryGetParent(out var parentTable);
parentTable ??= SymbolTable;
parentTable.TryGetSymbol(procedureIdName, out var symbol);
if (symbol is null)
e.Parameters.Expression.LastParam = true;
e.Parameters.IsParamList = true;
public override void PostVisit(ProcedureCall procedureCall)
public override void PreVisit(ProgramBody programBody)
programBody.CompoundStatement.IsMain = true;
public override void PostVisit(CompoundStatement compoundStatement)
if (compoundStatement.IsMain)
Builder.AddString("\nreturn 0;\n");
public override void PreVisit(CompoundStatement compoundStatement)
if (compoundStatement.IsMain)
Builder.AddString("int main()\n");
public override void PreVisit(Statement statement)
statement.OnForGenerator += (_, e) =>
e.Begin.Iterator = e.Iterator;
e.Begin.IsForConditionBegin = true;
e.End.Iterator = e.Iterator;
e.End.IsForConditionEnd = true;
statement.OnAssignGenerator += (_, e) =>
e.Expression.IsAssign = true;
public override void PostVisit(Statement statement)
public override void PreVisit(Variable variable)
SymbolTable.TryGetSymbol(variable.Identifier.IdentifierName, out var symbol);
if (symbol == null)
if (symbol.Reference)
Builder.AddString("(*" + variable.Identifier.IdentifierName + ")");
if (symbol.SymbolType is PascalArrayType)
List<int> leftBounds = new();
PascalType curType = symbol.SymbolType;
while (curType is not PascalBasicType)
curType = curType.Convert<PascalArrayType>().ElementType;
public override void PreVisit(IdentifierVarPart identifierVarPart)
identifierVarPart.OnIndexGenerator += (_, e) =>
e.IndexParameters.IsIndex = true;
e.IndexParameters.LeftBounds = identifierVarPart.LeftBounds;
public override void PreVisit(ExpressionList expressionList)
if (expressionList.IsIndex)
expressionList.Expression.LeftBound = expressionList.LeftBounds.Last();
expressionList.Expression.IsIndex = true;
if (expressionList.IsParamList)
expressionList.Expression.ReferenceParam = expressionList.ParameterTypes.Last().IsVar;
expressionList.Expression.IsParam = true;
expressionList.OnExpressionList += (_, e) =>
if (expressionList.IsIndex)
e.ExpressionList.IsIndex = true;
expressionList.LeftBounds.RemoveAt(expressionList.LeftBounds.Count - 1);
e.ExpressionList.LeftBounds = expressionList.LeftBounds;
if (expressionList.IsParamList)
e.ExpressionList.IsParamList = true;
for (int i = 0; i < expressionList.ParameterTypes.Count - 1; i++)
public override void PreVisit(Expression expression)
if (expression.IsIndex)
if (expression.IsForConditionBegin)
Builder.AddString("for(" + expression.Iterator.IdentifierName + " = ");
if (expression.IsForConditionEnd)
Builder.AddString(expression.Iterator.IdentifierName + " <= ");
if (expression.IsAssign)
Builder.AddString(" = ");
if (expression.ReferenceParam)
public override void PostVisit(Expression expression)
if (expression.IsIndex)
Builder.AddString("-" + expression.LeftBound + "]");
if (expression.IsForConditionEnd)
Builder.AddString("; " + expression.Iterator.IdentifierName + "++)");
if (expression is { IsParam: true, LastParam: false })
Builder.AddString(", ");
public override void PostVisit(Factor factor)
factor.OnNumberGenerator += (_, e) =>
var token = e.Token;
string num = token.NumberType == NumberType.Integer ? token.ParseAsInteger().ToString() :
factor.OnNotGenerator += (_, _) =>
factor.OnUminusGenerator += (_, _) =>
public override void PreVisit(Factor factor)
factor.OnNotGenerator += (_, _) =>
factor.OnUminusGenerator += (_, _) =>
public override void PostVisit(MultiplyOperator multiplyOperator)
if (multiplyOperator.OperatorToken.TokenType == SemanticTokenType.Operator)
var operatorType = multiplyOperator.OperatorToken.Convert<OperatorSemanticToken>().OperatorType;
if (operatorType == OperatorType.Multiply)
Builder.AddString(" * ");
else if (operatorType == OperatorType.Divide)
Builder.AddString(" /(double)");
var keywordType = multiplyOperator.OperatorToken.Convert<KeywordSemanticToken>().KeywordType;
switch (keywordType)
case KeywordType.And:
Builder.AddString(" && ");
case KeywordType.Mod:
Builder.AddString(" % ");
Builder.AddString(" / ");
public override void PostVisit(AddOperator addOperator)
var token = addOperator.OperatorToken;
if (token.TokenType == SemanticTokenType.Operator)
var operatorType = token.Convert<OperatorSemanticToken>().OperatorType;
if (operatorType == OperatorType.Plus)
Builder.AddString(" + ");
else if (operatorType == OperatorType.Minus)
Builder.AddString(" - ");
Builder.AddString(" || ");
public override void PostVisit(RelationOperator relationOperator)
var operatorType = relationOperator.OperatorToken.Convert<OperatorSemanticToken>().OperatorType;
switch (operatorType)
case OperatorType.Equal:
Builder.AddString(" == ");
case OperatorType.Greater:
Builder.AddString(" > ");
case OperatorType.Less:
Builder.AddString(" < ");
case OperatorType.GreaterEqual:
Builder.AddString(" >= ");
case OperatorType.LessEqual:
Builder.AddString(" <= ");
case OperatorType.NotEqual:
Builder.AddString(" != ");
public override void PostVisit(TerminatedSyntaxNode terminatedSyntaxNode)
string literalValue = terminatedSyntaxNode.Token.LiteralValue;
switch (literalValue)
case "if":
case "then":
case "else":
case "to":
Builder.AddString("; ");
/// <summary>
/// 尝试将pascalBasicType解析成C语言的基本类型
/// </summary>
/// <returns>C语言形式的基本类型名</returns>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"></exception>
private string TryParseBasicType(PascalType pascalType)
if (pascalType is PascalBasicType basicType)
if (basicType == PascalBasicType.Integer)
return "int";
if (basicType == PascalBasicType.Real)
return "double";
if (basicType == PascalBasicType.Character)
return "char";
if (basicType == PascalBasicType.Boolean)
return "bool";
if (basicType == PascalBasicType.Void)
return "void";
throw new InvalidOperationException("Not a basic type");
/// <summary>
/// 尝试解析Pascal数组类型
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pascalType"></param>
/// <param name="basicTypeName">数组实际存储的元素类型</param>
/// <param name="periods">数组下标定义</param>
private void TryParseArrayType(PascalType pascalType, out string basicTypeName, out string periods)
periods = "";
PascalType curType = pascalType;
while (curType is PascalArrayType pascalArrayType)
int begin = pascalArrayType.Begin;
int end = pascalArrayType.End;
periods += "[" + (end - begin + 1) + "]";
curType = pascalArrayType.ElementType;
basicTypeName = TryParseBasicType(curType);

View File

@ -87,11 +87,9 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
switch (e.Token.NumberType) switch (e.Token.NumberType)
{ {
case NumberType.Integer: case NumberType.Integer:
factor.FactorType = PascalBasicType.Integer;
factor.VariableType = PascalBasicType.Integer; factor.VariableType = PascalBasicType.Integer;
break; break;
case NumberType.Real: case NumberType.Real:
factor.FactorType = PascalBasicType.Real;
factor.VariableType = PascalBasicType.Real; factor.VariableType = PascalBasicType.Real;
break; break;
} }
@ -100,14 +98,12 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
// factor -> true | false // factor -> true | false
factor.OnBooleanGenerator += (_, _) => factor.OnBooleanGenerator += (_, _) =>
{ {
factor.FactorType = PascalBasicType.Boolean;
factor.VariableType = PascalBasicType.Boolean; factor.VariableType = PascalBasicType.Boolean;
}; };
// factor -> variable // factor -> variable
factor.OnVariableGenerator += (_, e) => factor.OnVariableGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
factor.FactorType = e.Variable.VariableType;
factor.VariableType = e.Variable.VariableType; factor.VariableType = e.Variable.VariableType;
}; };
@ -115,7 +111,6 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
// factor -> (expression) // factor -> (expression)
factor.OnParethnesisGenerator += (_, e) => factor.OnParethnesisGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
factor.FactorType = e.Expression.ExpressionType;
factor.VariableType = e.Expression.VariableType; factor.VariableType = e.Expression.VariableType;
}; };
@ -126,7 +121,6 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
{ {
if (functionType.ReturnType != PascalBasicType.Void) if (functionType.ReturnType != PascalBasicType.Void)
{ {
factor.FactorType = functionType.ReturnType;
factor.VariableType = functionType.ReturnType; factor.VariableType = functionType.ReturnType;
return; return;
} }
@ -137,28 +131,24 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
} }
} }
factor.FactorType = PascalBasicType.Void;
factor.VariableType = PascalBasicType.Void; factor.VariableType = PascalBasicType.Void;
}; };
// factor -> not factor // factor -> not factor
factor.OnNotGenerator += (_, e) => factor.OnNotGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
factor.FactorType = e.Factor.FactorType;
factor.VariableType = e.Factor.VariableType; factor.VariableType = e.Factor.VariableType;
}; };
// factor -> uminus factor // factor -> uminus factor
factor.OnUminusGenerator += (_, e) => factor.OnUminusGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
factor.FactorType = e.Factor.FactorType;
factor.VariableType = e.Factor.VariableType; factor.VariableType = e.Factor.VariableType;
}; };
// factor -> plus factor // factor -> plus factor
factor.OnPlusGenerator += (_, e) => factor.OnPlusGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
factor.FactorType = e.Factor.FactorType;
factor.VariableType = e.Factor.VariableType; factor.VariableType = e.Factor.VariableType;
}; };
} }
@ -169,16 +159,14 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
term.OnFactorGenerator += (_, e) => term.OnFactorGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
term.TermType = e.Factor.FactorType;
term.VariableType = e.Factor.VariableType; term.VariableType = e.Factor.VariableType;
}; };
term.OnMultiplyGenerator += (_, e) => term.OnMultiplyGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
if (PascalType.IsCalculatable(e.Left.TermType) && PascalType.IsCalculatable(e.Right.FactorType)) if (PascalType.IsCalculatable(e.Left.VariableType) && PascalType.IsCalculatable(e.Right.VariableType))
{ {
term.TermType = e.Left.TermType + e.Right.FactorType; term.VariableType = e.Left.VariableType + e.Right.VariableType;
term.VariableType = e.Left.TermType + e.Right.FactorType;
return; return;
} }
@ -193,15 +181,13 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
simpleExpression.OnTermGenerator += (_, e) => simpleExpression.OnTermGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
simpleExpression.SimpleExpressionType = e.Term.TermType;
simpleExpression.VariableType = e.Term.VariableType; simpleExpression.VariableType = e.Term.VariableType;
}; };
simpleExpression.OnAddGenerator += (_, e) => simpleExpression.OnAddGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
if (PascalType.IsCalculatable(e.Left.SimpleExpressionType) && PascalType.IsCalculatable(e.Right.TermType)) if (PascalType.IsCalculatable(e.Left.VariableType) && PascalType.IsCalculatable(e.Right.VariableType))
{ {
simpleExpression.SimpleExpressionType = e.Left.SimpleExpressionType + e.Right.TermType;
simpleExpression.VariableType = e.Left.VariableType + e.Right.VariableType; simpleExpression.VariableType = e.Left.VariableType + e.Right.VariableType;
return; return;
} }
@ -217,13 +203,11 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
expression.OnSimpleExpressionGenerator += (_, e) => expression.OnSimpleExpressionGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
expression.ExpressionType = e.SimpleExpression.SimpleExpressionType;
expression.VariableType = e.SimpleExpression.VariableType; expression.VariableType = e.SimpleExpression.VariableType;
}; };
expression.OnRelationGenerator += (_, _) => expression.OnRelationGenerator += (_, _) =>
{ {
expression.ExpressionType = PascalBasicType.Boolean;
expression.VariableType = PascalBasicType.Boolean; expression.VariableType = PascalBasicType.Boolean;
}; };
} }
@ -468,7 +452,7 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
} }
// 检查ExpressionA是否为Integer // 检查ExpressionA是否为Integer
if (e.Begin.ExpressionType != PascalBasicType.Integer) if (e.Begin.VariableType != PascalBasicType.Integer)
{ {
IsError = true; IsError = true;
logger?.LogError("The loop begin parameter is not integer."); logger?.LogError("The loop begin parameter is not integer.");
@ -476,7 +460,7 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
} }
// 检查ExpressionB是否为Integer // 检查ExpressionB是否为Integer
if (e.End.ExpressionType != PascalBasicType.Integer) if (e.End.VariableType != PascalBasicType.Integer)
{ {
IsError = true; IsError = true;
logger?.LogError("The loop end parameter is not integer."); logger?.LogError("The loop end parameter is not integer.");
@ -487,11 +471,11 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
statement.OnIfGenerator += (_, e) => statement.OnIfGenerator += (_, e) =>
{ {
// 条件是否为Boolean // 条件是否为Boolean
if (e.Condition.ExpressionType != PascalBasicType.Boolean) if (e.Condition.VariableType != PascalBasicType.Boolean)
{ {
IsError = true; IsError = true;
logger?.LogError("Expect '{}' but '{}'.", PascalBasicType.Boolean.TypeName, logger?.LogError("Expect '{}' but '{}'.", PascalBasicType.Boolean.TypeName,
e.Condition.ExpressionType.ToString()); e.Condition.VariableType.ToString());
} }
}; };
} }
@ -566,11 +550,11 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
{ {
foreach (Expression expression in e.IndexParameters.Expressions) foreach (Expression expression in e.IndexParameters.Expressions)
{ {
if (expression.ExpressionType != PascalBasicType.Integer) if (expression.VariableType != PascalBasicType.Integer)
{ {
IsError = true; IsError = true;
logger?.LogError("Index of array expect 'int' but '{}'", logger?.LogError("Index of array expect 'int' but '{}'",
expression.ExpressionType.ToString()); expression.VariableType.ToString());
} }
} }
@ -652,11 +636,11 @@ public class TypeCheckVisitor(ICompilerLogger? logger = null) : SyntaxNodeVisito
foreach ((Expression expression, PascalParameterType parameterType) in parameters.Zip(targetFunctionType foreach ((Expression expression, PascalParameterType parameterType) in parameters.Zip(targetFunctionType
.Parameters)) .Parameters))
{ {
if (expression.ExpressionType != parameterType.ParameterType) if (expression.VariableType != parameterType.ParameterType)
{ {
IsError = true; IsError = true;
logger?.LogError("Parameter expect '{}' but '{}' is provided.", logger?.LogError("Parameter expect '{}' but '{}' is provided.",
parameterType.ParameterType, expression.ExpressionType); parameterType.ParameterType, expression.VariableType);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Security;
using Canon.Core.Exceptions;
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser; namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser; using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser; using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser; using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ public class BasicType : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
{ {
public override NonTerminatorType Type => NonTerminatorType.BasicType; public override NonTerminatorType Type => NonTerminatorType.BasicType;
public bool IsProcedure;
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// BasicType代表的Pascal类型 /// BasicType代表的Pascal类型
/// </summary> /// </summary>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser; using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser; using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
@ -36,21 +33,6 @@ public class Expression : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
RaiseEvent(); RaiseEvent();
} }
public bool IsParam; //是否为传参
public bool ReferenceParam; //是否为引用传参
public bool LastParam; //是否为传参列表里最后一个参数
/// <summary>
/// 是否为数组下标
/// </summary>
public bool IsIndex { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 当前表达式对应的数组下标维度的左边界
/// </summary>
public int LeftBound;
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// 是否为FOR语句中的起始语句 /// 是否为FOR语句中的起始语句
/// </summary> /// </summary>
@ -60,32 +42,12 @@ public class Expression : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
/// 是否为FOR语句中的结束语句 /// 是否为FOR语句中的结束语句
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public bool IsForConditionEnd { get; set; } public bool IsForConditionEnd { get; set; }
public bool IsAssign { get; set; }
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// 是否为IF语句中的条件语句 /// 是否为IF语句中的条件语句
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public bool IsIfCondition { get; set; } public bool IsIfCondition { get; set; }
private IdentifierSemanticToken? _iterator;
public IdentifierSemanticToken Iterator
if (_iterator is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return _iterator;
_iterator = value;
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// 直接赋值产生式的事件 /// 直接赋值产生式的事件
/// </summary> /// </summary>
@ -96,25 +58,6 @@ public class Expression : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public event EventHandler<RelationGeneratorEventArgs>? OnRelationGenerator; public event EventHandler<RelationGeneratorEventArgs>? OnRelationGenerator;
private PascalType? _expressionType;
public PascalType ExpressionType
if (_expressionType is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return _expressionType;
_expressionType = value;
public static Expression Create(List<SyntaxNodeBase> children) public static Expression Create(List<SyntaxNodeBase> children)
{ {
return new Expression { Children = children }; return new Expression { Children = children };

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
@ -18,23 +17,6 @@ public class ExpressionList : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public List<Expression> Expressions { get; } = []; public List<Expression> Expressions { get; } = [];
/// <summary>
/// 是否为传参列表
/// </summary>
public bool IsParamList;
public List<PascalParameterType> ParameterTypes { get; } = [];
/// <summary>
/// 是否为数组下标索引
/// </summary>
public bool IsIndex { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 数组左边界列表
/// </summary>
public List<int> LeftBounds = new();
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// 当前ExpressionList中的Expression定义 /// 当前ExpressionList中的Expression定义
/// </summary> /// </summary>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser; using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
@ -103,22 +102,6 @@ public class Factor : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public event EventHandler<ProcedureCallGeneratorEventArgs>? OnProcedureCallGenerator; public event EventHandler<ProcedureCallGeneratorEventArgs>? OnProcedureCallGenerator;
private PascalType? _factorType;
public PascalType FactorType
if (_factorType is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return _factorType;
set { _factorType = value; }
public static Factor Create(List<SyntaxNodeBase> children) public static Factor Create(List<SyntaxNodeBase> children)
{ {
return new Factor { Children = children }; return new Factor { Children = children };

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
@ -18,11 +17,6 @@ public class IdentifierVarPart : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public int IndexCount { get; set; } public int IndexCount { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 数组左边界列表
/// </summary>
public List<int> LeftBounds = new();
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// 索引中的表达式 /// 索引中的表达式
/// </summary> /// </summary>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser; using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;

View File

@ -12,12 +12,6 @@ public class Parameter : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public bool IsVar { get; private init; } public bool IsVar { get; private init; }
/// <summary>
/// 声明的变量名称
/// </summary>
public ValueParameter ValueParameter =>
IsVar ? Children[0].Convert<VarParameter>().ValueParameter : Children[0].Convert<ValueParameter>();
public override void PreVisit(SyntaxNodeVisitor visitor) public override void PreVisit(SyntaxNodeVisitor visitor)
{ {
visitor.PreVisit(this); visitor.PreVisit(this);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
@ -8,21 +7,6 @@ public class ProgramBody : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
{ {
public override NonTerminatorType Type => NonTerminatorType.ProgramBody; public override NonTerminatorType Type => NonTerminatorType.ProgramBody;
/// <summary>
/// 常量声明
/// </summary>
public ConstDeclarations ConstDeclarations => Children[0].Convert<ConstDeclarations>();
/// <summary>
/// 变量声明
/// </summary>
public VarDeclarations VarDeclarations => Children[1].Convert<VarDeclarations>();
/// <summary>
/// 子程序声明
/// </summary>
public SubprogramDeclarations SubprogramDeclarations => Children[2].Convert<SubprogramDeclarations>();
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// 语句声明 /// 语句声明
/// </summary> /// </summary>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
@ -13,11 +12,6 @@ public class ProgramStruct : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public ProgramHead Head => Children[0].Convert<ProgramHead>(); public ProgramHead Head => Children[0].Convert<ProgramHead>();
/// <summary>
/// 程序体
/// </summary>
public ProgramBody Body => Children[2].Convert<ProgramBody>();
public override void PreVisit(SyntaxNodeVisitor visitor) public override void PreVisit(SyntaxNodeVisitor visitor)
{ {
visitor.PreVisit(this); visitor.PreVisit(this);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser; using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
@ -45,25 +43,6 @@ public class SimpleExpression : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public event EventHandler<AddGeneratorEventArgs>? OnAddGenerator; public event EventHandler<AddGeneratorEventArgs>? OnAddGenerator;
private PascalType? _simpleExpressionType;
public PascalType SimpleExpressionType
if (_simpleExpressionType is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return _simpleExpressionType;
_simpleExpressionType = value;
public static SimpleExpression Create(List<SyntaxNodeBase> children) public static SimpleExpression Create(List<SyntaxNodeBase> children)
{ {
return new SimpleExpression { Children = children }; return new SimpleExpression { Children = children };

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser; using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
@ -8,16 +7,6 @@ public class Subprogram : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
{ {
public override NonTerminatorType Type => NonTerminatorType.Subprogram; public override NonTerminatorType Type => NonTerminatorType.Subprogram;
/// <summary>
/// 子程序头部
/// </summary>
public SubprogramHead Head => Children[0].Convert<SubprogramHead>();
/// <summary>
/// 子程序体
/// </summary>
public SubprogramBody Body => Children[2].Convert<SubprogramBody>();
public override void PreVisit(SyntaxNodeVisitor visitor) public override void PreVisit(SyntaxNodeVisitor visitor)
{ {
visitor.PreVisit(this); visitor.PreVisit(this);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
@ -8,21 +7,6 @@ public class SubprogramBody : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
{ {
public override NonTerminatorType Type => NonTerminatorType.SubprogramBody; public override NonTerminatorType Type => NonTerminatorType.SubprogramBody;
/// <summary>
/// 常量声明部分
/// </summary>
public ConstDeclarations ConstDeclarations => Children[0].Convert<ConstDeclarations>();
/// <summary>
/// 变量声明部分
/// </summary>
public VarDeclarations VarDeclarations => Children[1].Convert<VarDeclarations>();
/// <summary>
/// 语句声明部分
/// </summary>
public CompoundStatement CompoundStatement => Children[2].Convert<CompoundStatement>();
public override void PreVisit(SyntaxNodeVisitor visitor) public override void PreVisit(SyntaxNodeVisitor visitor)
{ {
visitor.PreVisit(this); visitor.PreVisit(this);

View File

@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ public class SubprogramHead : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
public IdentifierSemanticToken SubprogramName => public IdentifierSemanticToken SubprogramName =>
Children[1].Convert<TerminatedSyntaxNode>().Token.Convert<IdentifierSemanticToken>(); Children[1].Convert<TerminatedSyntaxNode>().Token.Convert<IdentifierSemanticToken>();
public FormalParameter Parameters => Children[2].Convert<FormalParameter>();
public override void PreVisit(SyntaxNodeVisitor visitor) public override void PreVisit(SyntaxNodeVisitor visitor)
{ {
visitor.PreVisit(this); visitor.PreVisit(this);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser; using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;
@ -45,25 +43,6 @@ public class Term : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public event EventHandler<MultiplyGeneratorEventArgs>? OnMultiplyGenerator; public event EventHandler<MultiplyGeneratorEventArgs>? OnMultiplyGenerator;
private PascalType? _termType;
public PascalType TermType
if (_termType is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return _termType;
_termType = value;
public static Term Create(List<SyntaxNodeBase> children) public static Term Create(List<SyntaxNodeBase> children)
{ {
return new Term { Children = children }; return new Term { Children = children };

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser; using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
@ -37,11 +36,6 @@ public class TypeSyntaxNode : NonTerminatedSyntaxNode
public event EventHandler<ArrayTypeGeneratorEventArgs>? OnArrayTypeGenerator; public event EventHandler<ArrayTypeGeneratorEventArgs>? OnArrayTypeGenerator;
/// <summary>
/// 是否在过程定义中使用
/// </summary>
public bool IsProcedure { get; set; }
private PascalType? _pascalType; private PascalType? _pascalType;
/// <summary> /// <summary>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.CodeGenerators;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
using Canon.Core.Abstractions; using Canon.Core.Abstractions;
using Canon.Core.Enums; using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser; using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; namespace Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes;