refact: 重构类型和符号表部分 (#25)

Reviewed-on: PostGuard/Canon#25
This commit is contained in:
jackfiled 2024-04-07 16:10:34 +08:00
parent 1a0d3c37db
commit c0a8e25d45
14 changed files with 537 additions and 1064 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
namespace Canon.Core.Enums;
public enum BasicType
/// <summary>
/// 整数类型
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 浮点数类型
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 布尔类型
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 字符类型
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 空类型
/// </summary>

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@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
using Canon.Core.Enums;
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
/// <summary>
/// 标识符类型基类
/// </summary>
public abstract class IdentifierType;
public class BasicType : IdentifierType
public BasicIdType IdType;
public BasicType(BasicIdType basicIdType)
IdType = basicIdType;
public static bool operator ==(BasicType a, BasicType b)
return a.IdType == b.IdType;
public static bool operator !=(BasicType a, BasicType b)
return !(a == b);
public class ArrayType : IdentifierType
public int Dimension;
public List<Limits> LimitsList;
public IdentifierType ElementType;
public ArrayType(int dimension, List<Limits> limitsList, IdentifierType elementType)
Dimension = dimension;
LimitsList = limitsList;
ElementType = elementType;
public static bool operator ==(ArrayType a, ArrayType b)
if (a.Dimension != b.Dimension || a.ElementType != b.ElementType || a.LimitsList.Count != b.LimitsList.Count)
return false;
int n = a.LimitsList.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (a.LimitsList[i] != b.LimitsList[i])
return false;
return true;
public static bool operator !=(ArrayType a, ArrayType b)
return !(a == b);
public class FuncType : IdentifierType
public List<Param> ParamTypeList;
public IdentifierType ReturnType;
public FuncType(List<Param> paramTypeList, IdentifierType returnType)
ParamTypeList = paramTypeList;
ReturnType = returnType;
public class ProcType : IdentifierType
public List<Param> ParamTypeList;
public ProcType()
ParamTypeList = new List<Param>();
public ProcType(List<Param> paramTypeList)
ParamTypeList = paramTypeList;
public class RecordType : IdentifierType
public Dictionary<string, IdentifierType> MemberDic;
public RecordType()
MemberDic = new Dictionary<string, IdentifierType>();
public static bool operator ==(RecordType a, RecordType b)
if (a.MemberDic.Count != b.MemberDic.Count)
return false;
foreach (var k in a.MemberDic.Keys)
if (!b.MemberDic.ContainsKey(k) || a.MemberDic[k] != b.MemberDic[k])
return false;
return true;
public static bool operator !=(RecordType a, RecordType b)
return !(a == b);
/// <summary>
/// 空类型用于充当procedure的返回值
/// </summary>
public class NonType : IdentifierType
public class Limits
public uint LowerBound;
public uint UpperBound;
public Limits(uint lowerBound, uint upperBound)
LowerBound = lowerBound;
UpperBound = upperBound;
public static bool operator ==(Limits a, Limits b)
return a.LowerBound == b.LowerBound && a.UpperBound == b.UpperBound;
public static bool operator !=(Limits a, Limits b)
return !(a == b);
public class Param
public string Name;
public IdentifierType Type;
public bool IsVar;
public Param(string name, IdentifierType type, bool isVar)
Name = name;
Type = type;
IsVar = isVar;

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
public class PascalArrayType(PascalType elementType, int begin, int end) : PascalType
public PascalType ElementType { get; } = elementType;
public int Begin { get; } = begin;
public int End { get; } = end;
public override string TypeName => $"{ElementType.TypeName}_{Begin}_{End}";
public override bool Equals(PascalType? other)
if (other is not PascalArrayType pascalArrayType)
return false;
if (ElementType != pascalArrayType.ElementType)
return false;
if (Begin != pascalArrayType.Begin || End != pascalArrayType.End)
return false;
return true;
public override int GetHashCode()
return ElementType.GetHashCode()
^ Begin.GetHashCode()
^ End.GetHashCode();

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
using Canon.Core.Enums;
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
/// <summary>
/// 基础Pascal类型
/// </summary>
public class PascalBasicType : PascalType
/// <summary>
/// 基础类型
/// </summary>
public BasicType Type { get; }
public override string TypeName { get; }
private PascalBasicType(BasicType basicType, string typeName)
Type = basicType;
TypeName = typeName;
public override bool Equals(PascalType? other)
if (other is not PascalBasicType pascalBasicType)
return false;
return Type == pascalBasicType.Type;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Type.GetHashCode();
/// <summary>
/// 整数类型的单例对象
/// </summary>
public static PascalType Integer => new PascalBasicType(BasicType.Integer, "integer");
/// <summary>
/// 布尔类型的单例对象
/// </summary>
public static PascalType Boolean => new PascalBasicType(BasicType.Boolean, "boolean");
/// <summary>
/// 字符类型的单例对象
/// </summary>
public static PascalType Character => new PascalBasicType(BasicType.Character, "char");
/// <summary>
/// 浮点数类型的单例对象
/// </summary>
public static PascalType Real => new PascalBasicType(BasicType.Real, "real");
/// <summary>
/// 空类型的单例对象
/// </summary>
public static PascalType Void => new PascalBasicType(BasicType.Void, "void");

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
using System.Text;
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
public class PascalFunctionType(List<PascalParameterType> parameters, PascalType returnType) : PascalType
public List<PascalParameterType> Parameters { get; } = parameters;
public PascalType ReturnType { get; } = returnType;
public override string TypeName
StringBuilder builder = new();
foreach (PascalParameterType parameter in Parameters)
return builder.ToString();
public override bool Equals(PascalType? other)
if (other is not PascalFunctionType functionType)
return false;
if (Parameters.Count != functionType.Parameters.Count || ReturnType != functionType.ReturnType)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; i++)
if (Parameters[i] != functionType.Parameters[i])
return false;
return true;
public override int GetHashCode()
int code = ReturnType.GetHashCode();
foreach (PascalParameterType parameter in Parameters)
code ^= parameter.GetHashCode();
return code;

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
public class PascalParameterType(PascalType parameterType, bool isVar) : PascalType
public PascalType ParameterType { get; } = parameterType;
public bool IsVar { get; } = isVar;
public override string TypeName
if (IsVar)
return $"var_{ParameterType.TypeName}";
return ParameterType.TypeName;
public override bool Equals(PascalType? other)
if (other is not PascalParameterType parameterType)
return false;
return ParameterType == parameterType.ParameterType && IsVar == parameterType.IsVar;
public override int GetHashCode()
return ParameterType.GetHashCode() ^ IsVar.GetHashCode();

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
/// <summary>
/// Pascal类型基类
/// </summary>
public abstract class PascalType : IEquatable<PascalType>
/// <summary>
/// 类型的名称
/// </summary>
public abstract string TypeName { get; }
public virtual bool Equals(PascalType? other)
if (other is null)
return false;
return TypeName == other.TypeName;
public override bool Equals(object? obj)
if (obj is PascalType other)
return Equals(other);
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return TypeName.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(PascalType a, PascalType b)
return a.Equals(b);
public static bool operator !=(PascalType a, PascalType b)
return !a.Equals(b);

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@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
using Canon.Core.Enums;
using Canon.Core.Exceptions;
using Canon.Core.GrammarParser;
using Canon.Core.LexicalParser;
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
public class SemanticBuilder
private SymbolTable _curSymbolTable; //当前符号表
private Stack<SymbolTable> _stack;
public SemanticBuilder()
_curSymbolTable = new SymbolTable();
_stack = new Stack<SymbolTable>();
/// <summary>
/// 执行语义分析
/// </summary>
/// <param name="root">语法树根节点</param>
public void Build(SyntaxNode root)
private void SolveProgramStruct(SyntaxNode root)
private void SolveProgramHead(SyntaxNode root)
private void SolveProgramBody(SyntaxNode root)
private void SolveConstDeclarations(SyntaxNode root)
if (root.Children.Count > 1)
private void SolveConstDeclaration(SyntaxNode root)
int offset = 0;
if (!root.Children[0].IsTerminated)
offset = 2;
var idName = root.Children[offset].GetSemanticToken().LiteralValue;
_curSymbolTable.AddEntry(idName, SolveConstValue(root.Children[offset+2]), true, false);
private IdentifierType SolveConstValue(SyntaxNode root)
if (root.Children.Count == 3)
return new BasicType(BasicIdType.Char);
var t = ((NumberSemanticToken)root.GetSemanticToken()).NumberType;
if (t == NumberType.Real)
return new BasicType(BasicIdType.Real);
return new BasicType(BasicIdType.Int);
private void SolveVarDeclarations(SyntaxNode root)
if (root.Children.Count > 1)
private void SolveVarDeclaration(SyntaxNode root)
int offset = 0;
if (root.Children.Count > 3)
offset = 2;
List<string> idList = new List<string>();
SolveIdList(root.Children[offset], idList); //获取待定义的标识符列表
var type = SolveType(root.Children[offset + 2]); //获取类型
foreach(var id in idList)
_curSymbolTable.AddEntry(id, type, false, false);
private void SolveIdList(SyntaxNode root, List<string> idList)
if (root.IsTerminated)
var word = root.GetSemanticToken().LiteralValue;
if (word != ",")
foreach (var child in root.Children)
SolveIdList(child, idList);
private IdentifierType SolveType(SyntaxNode root)
string typeName = root.Children[0].Children[0].GetSemanticToken().LiteralValue;
if (root.Children.Count == 1)
var cur = _curSymbolTable;
while (cur != null && !cur.TypesTable.Check(typeName))
cur = cur.PreTable;
if (cur != null)
return cur.TypesTable.GetTypeByName(typeName);
throw new SemanticException(typeName + " is an undefined type!");
var limitList = new List<Limits>();
SolvePeriod(root.Children[2], limitList);
return new ArrayType(limitList.Count, limitList, SolveType(root.Children[5]));
private void SolvePeriod(SyntaxNode root, List<Limits> limitsList)
int offset = 0;
if (!root.Children[0].IsTerminated)
SolvePeriod(root.Children[0], limitsList); //递归获取子节点的界限列表
offset = 2;
var token1 = (NumberSemanticToken)root.Children[offset].GetSemanticToken();
var t1 = token1.NumberType;
var token2 = (NumberSemanticToken)root.Children[offset + 3].GetSemanticToken();
var t2 = token2.NumberType;
if (t1 == NumberType.Integer && t2 == NumberType.Integer)
int lower = int.Parse(token1.LiteralValue);
int upper = int.Parse(token2.LiteralValue);
if (upper >= lower)
if (lower >= 0)
limitsList.Add(new Limits((uint)lower, (uint)upper));
throw new SemanticException("Array's bounds must be nonnegative!");
throw new SemanticException("Array's upper bound must greater than low bound!");
throw new SemanticException("Array's bounds must be integer!");
private void SolveSubprogramDeclarations(SyntaxNode root)
if (root.Children.Count > 1)
_curSymbolTable = _stack.Peek();
private void SolveSubprogram(SyntaxNode root)
private void SolveSubprogramHead(SyntaxNode root)
List<Param> paramList = new List<Param>();
SolveFormalParameter(root.Children[2], paramList);
IdentifierType identifierType;
if (root.Children.Count == 3)
identifierType = new ProcType(paramList);
var type = SolveType(root.Children[4]); //获取函数返回值
identifierType = new FuncType(paramList, type);
SymbolTable subTable = new SymbolTable(_curSymbolTable);
foreach (var param in paramList)
subTable.AddEntry(param.Name, param.Type, false, param.IsVar);
_curSymbolTable.AddEntry(root.Children[1].GetSemanticToken().LiteralValue, identifierType, subTable);
_curSymbolTable = subTable;
private void SolveFormalParameter(SyntaxNode root, List<Param> paramList)
if (root.Children.Count > 1)
SolveParameterList(root.Children[1], paramList);
private void SolveParameterList(SyntaxNode root, List<Param> paramList)
int offset = 0;
if (root.Children.Count > 1)
SolveParameterList(root, paramList);
offset = 2;
SolveParameter(root.Children[offset], paramList);
private void SolveParameter(SyntaxNode root, List<Param> paramList)
bool isVarParam = false;
SyntaxNode node = root.Children[0];
if (node.GetNonTerminatorType() == NonTerminatorType.VarParameter)
isVarParam = true;
node = node.Children[1];
List<string> list = new List<string>();
SolveIdList(node.Children[0], list);
var type = SolveType(node.Children[2]);
foreach (var idName in list)
paramList.Add(new Param(idName, type, isVarParam));
private void SolveSubprogramBody(SyntaxNode root)
private void SolveCompoundStatement(SyntaxNode root)
private void SolveStatementList(SyntaxNode root)
int offset = 0;
if (root.Children.Count > 1)
offset = 2;
private void SolveStatement(SyntaxNode root)
var node = root.Children[0];
if (node.IsTerminated)
int childCount = root.Children.Count;
switch (childCount)
case 3:
case 5:
case 8:
throw new SemanticException("Semantic analysis failed and an illegal node was detected");
var nonTerminatorType = node.GetNonTerminatorType();
switch (nonTerminatorType)
case NonTerminatorType.Variable:
case NonTerminatorType.ProcedureCall:
SolveCall(node, false);
case NonTerminatorType.CompoundStatement:
throw new SemanticException("Semantic analysis failed and an illegal node was detected");
/// <summary>
/// 处理表达式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="root"></param>
/// <returns>表达式类型</returns>
private IdentifierType SolveExpression(SyntaxNode root)
if (root.Children.Count == 1)
return SolveSimpleExpression(root.Children[0]);
var type1 = SolveSimpleExpression(root.Children[0]);
var type2 = SolveSimpleExpression(root.Children[2]);
return CheckRelationOperation(type1, type2);
private IdentifierType SolveSimpleExpression(SyntaxNode root)
if (root.Children.Count == 1)
return SolveTerm(root.Children[0]);
var type1 = SolveSimpleExpression(root.Children[0]);
var type2 = SolveTerm(root.Children[2]);
return CheckAddOperation(type1, type2, root.Children[1].Children[0].GetSemanticToken());
private IdentifierType SolveTerm(SyntaxNode root)
if (root.Children.Count == 1)
return SolveFactor(root.Children[0]);
var type1 = SolveTerm(root.Children[0]);
var type2 = SolveFactor(root.Children[2]);
return CheckMultiplyOperation(type1, type2, root.Children[1].Children[0].GetSemanticToken());
private IdentifierType SolveFactor(SyntaxNode root)
if (root.Children.Count == 1)
if (root.Children[0].IsTerminated)
var numberSemanticToken = (NumberSemanticToken)root.Children[0].GetSemanticToken();
if (numberSemanticToken.NumberType == NumberType.Real)
return _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("real");
return _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("integer");
return SolveVariable(root.Children[0]);
//处理 Factor -> (expression)
if (root.Children.Count == 3)
return SolveExpression(root.Children[1]);
if (root.Children.Count == 4)
return SolveCall(root, true);
//处理 Factor -> not Factor
if (root.Children[0].GetSemanticToken() == new Terminator(KeywordType.Not))
var type = SolveFactor(root.Children[1]);
if (type == _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("boolean"))
return type;
throw new SemanticException("NOT can only be used for Boolean expressions");
var type1 = SolveFactor(root.Children[1]);
if (type1 == _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("integer") ||
type1 == _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("real"))
return type1;
throw new SemanticException("minus can only be used on integer or real");
private void SolveIf(SyntaxNode root)
var boolType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("boolean");
if (SolveExpression(root.Children[0]) != boolType)
throw new SemanticException("The conditional expression of the if statement must be of type Boolean");
private void SolveElsePart(SyntaxNode root)
if (root.Children.Count > 1)
private void CheckForLoop(SyntaxNode root)
var intType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("integer");
string idName = root.Children[1].GetSemanticToken().LiteralValue;
if (_curSymbolTable.Find(idName) && _curSymbolTable.GetIdTypeByName(idName) == intType)
if (SolveExpression(root.Children[3]) == intType && SolveExpression(root.Children[5]) == intType)
throw new SemanticException("The upper and lower bounds of the loop variable in the for loop" +
" must be set to integer");
throw new SemanticException("The loop variable in the for loop must be integer");
private void SolveVariableAssign(SyntaxNode root)
var varType = SolveVariable(root.Children[0]);
var expType = SolveExpression(root.Children[2]);
CheckAssign(varType, expType);
var idName = root.Children[0].GetSemanticToken().LiteralValue;
if (_curSymbolTable.IsConst(idName))
throw new SemanticException("Constants defined as const are not allowed to be assigned repeatedly");
private IdentifierType SolveVariable(SyntaxNode root)
var idName = root.Children[0].GetSemanticToken().LiteralValue;
var idType = _curSymbolTable.GetIdTypeByName(idName);
if (idType is BasicType)
if (root.Children[1].Children.Count == 1)
return idType;
throw new SemanticException("The reference to variable "+ idName+ " is illegal");
List<IdentifierType> typeList = new List<IdentifierType>();
SolveExpressionList(root.Children[1].Children[1], typeList);
int dimension = ((ArrayType)idType).Dimension;
if (typeList.Count == dimension)
var IntType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("integer");
foreach (var t in typeList)
if (t != IntType)
throw new SemanticException("Array's index must be integer!");
return ((ArrayType)idType).ElementType;
throw new SemanticException("The reference to array " + idName + " requires " + dimension + " subscripts");
private void SolveExpressionList(SyntaxNode root, List<IdentifierType> typeList)
int offset = 0;
if (root.Children.Count > 1)
SolveExpressionList(root.Children[0], typeList);
offset = 2;
private IdentifierType SolveCall(SyntaxNode root, bool isFunc)
var idName = root.Children[0].GetSemanticToken().LiteralValue;
IdentifierType idType = _curSymbolTable.GetIdTypeByName(idName);
List<IdentifierType> typeList = new List<IdentifierType>();
SolveExpressionList(root.Children[2], typeList);
var paramList = isFunc ? ((FuncType)idType).ParamTypeList : ((ProcType)idType).ParamTypeList;
if (paramList.Count == typeList.Count)
int n = paramList.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (paramList[i].Type != typeList[i])
throw new SemanticException("The parameter types are inconsistent");
return isFunc ? ((FuncType)idType).ReturnType : new NonType();
throw new SemanticException("The number of parameters of procedure is inconsistent");
private void CheckFuncAssign(SyntaxNode root)
if (_curSymbolTable.PreTable is null)
throw new SemanticException("Not allowed to assign a value to a function name in the main program");
var idType =
var expressionType = SolveExpression(root.Children[2]);
CheckAssign(idType, expressionType);
/// <summary>
/// 检查赋值语句左右部分类型是否相容
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftType">赋值号左边类型(若为函数,则取返回值)</param>
/// <param name="rightType">赋值号右边类型</param>
private void CheckAssign(IdentifierType leftType, IdentifierType rightType)
if (leftType == rightType)
var intType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("integer");
var realType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("real");
if (leftType == realType && rightType == intType) //int可以赋值给real
throw new SemanticException("Incompatible types in assign operation");
/// <summary>
/// 检查关系操作(比大小)的操作数类型
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftType">左边符号类型</param>
/// <param name="rightType">右边符号类型</param>
/// <returns>成功则返回boolean类型</returns>
private IdentifierType CheckRelationOperation(IdentifierType leftType, IdentifierType rightType)
var intType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("integer");
var realType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("real");
var boolType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("boolean");
//左右为相等的基本类型或 一个int和一个real
if (leftType == rightType && leftType is BasicType ||
leftType == intType && rightType == realType ||
leftType == realType && rightType == intType)
return boolType;
throw new SemanticException("Incompatible types in relation operations");
private IdentifierType CheckAddOperation(IdentifierType leftType, IdentifierType rightType, SemanticToken semanticToken)
// or操作两边必为boolean
var boolType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("boolean");
if (semanticToken == new Terminator(KeywordType.Or))
if (leftType == boolType && rightType == boolType)
return boolType;
throw new SemanticException("Incompatible types in add operation \"or\"");
var intType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("integer");
var realType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("real");
if (leftType == rightType && leftType is BasicType && leftType != boolType)
return leftType;
if (leftType == intType && rightType == realType || leftType == realType && rightType == intType)
return realType;
throw new SemanticException("Incompatible types in add operations");
private IdentifierType CheckMultiplyOperation(IdentifierType leftType, IdentifierType rightType, SemanticToken semanticToken)
// and操作两边必为boolean
var boolType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("boolean");
if (semanticToken == new Terminator(KeywordType.And))
if (leftType == boolType && rightType == boolType)
return boolType;
throw new SemanticException("Incompatible types in multiply operation \"and\"");
// div和mod操作数必为int
var intType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("integer");
if (semanticToken == new Terminator(KeywordType.Mod) || semanticToken == new Terminator(KeywordType.Divide))
if (leftType == intType && rightType == intType)
return intType;
throw new SemanticException("Incompatible types in multiply operation \"mod/div\"");
var realType = _curSymbolTable.TypesTable.GetTypeByName("real");
if (leftType == intType && rightType == intType || leftType == realType && rightType == realType)
return leftType;
if (leftType == intType && rightType == realType || leftType == realType && rightType == intType)
return realType;
throw new SemanticException("Incompatible types in multiply operations");

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
/// <summary>
/// 符号表表项类
/// </summary>
public class Symbol : IEquatable<Symbol>
/// <summary>
/// 符号的名称
/// </summary>
public required string SymbolName { get; init; }
/// <summary>
/// 符号的类型
/// </summary>
public required PascalType SymbolType { get; init; }
/// <summary>
/// 是否为常量
/// </summary>
public bool Const { get; init; }
/// <summary>
/// 是否为引用变量
/// </summary>
public bool Reference { get; init; }
public bool Equals(Symbol? other)
if (other is null)
return false;
return SymbolName == other.SymbolName
&& SymbolType == other.SymbolType
&& Const == other.Const
&& Reference == other.Reference;
public override int GetHashCode()
return SymbolName.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object? obj)
if (obj is not Symbol other)
return false;
return Equals(other);

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@ -1,107 +1,109 @@
using Canon.Core.Exceptions;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public class SymbolTable
public Dictionary<string, SymbolTableEntry> Entries;
/// <summary>
/// 符号表
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<string, Symbol> _symbols = [];
public TypeTable TypesTable; //当前符号表对应的类型表
/// <summary>
/// 类型表
/// </summary>
private readonly TypeTable _typeTable = new();
public SymbolTable? PreTable; //直接外围符号表
/// <summary>
/// 父符号表
/// </summary>
private readonly SymbolTable? _parent;
public SymbolTable()
/// <summary>
/// 获得当前符号表的所有父符号表
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<SymbolTable> ParentTables => GetParents();
public SymbolTable() {}
private SymbolTable(SymbolTable parent)
Entries = new Dictionary<string, SymbolTableEntry>();
TypesTable = new TypeTable();
PreTable = null;
_parent = parent;
public SymbolTable(SymbolTable preTable)
public SymbolTable CreateChildTable()
Entries = new Dictionary<string, SymbolTableEntry>();
TypesTable = new TypeTable();
PreTable = preTable;
return new SymbolTable(this);
/// <summary>
/// 向符号表里插入一个表项
/// 尝试向符号表中添加符号
/// </summary>
public void AddEntry(string idName, IdentifierType type, bool isConst, bool isVarParam)
if (Check(idName))
throw new SemanticException("failed to insert to SymbolTable! " + idName + " is defined repeatedly");
Entries.Add(idName, new SymbolTableEntry(idName, type, isConst, isVarParam));
public void AddEntry(string idName, IdentifierType type, SymbolTable subTable)
if (Check(idName))
throw new SemanticException("failed to insert to SymbolTable! " + idName + " is defined repeatedly");
Entries.Add(idName, new SymbolTableEntry(idName, type, subTable));
/// <param name="symbol">欲添加的符号</param>
/// <returns>是否添加成功</returns>
public bool TryAddSymbol(Symbol symbol) => _symbols.TryAdd(symbol.SymbolName, symbol);
/// <summary>
/// 尝试从符号表极其父符号表查找符号
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idName">查询的id名称</param>
/// <returns>如果变量重复声明返回true</returns>
public bool Check(string idName)
/// <param name="name">需要查找的符号名称</param>
/// <param name="symbol">查找到的符号</param>
/// <returns>是否查找到符号</returns>
public bool TryGetSymbol(string name, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Symbol? symbol)
return Entries.ContainsKey(idName);
/// <summary>
/// 在符号表里查找,看当前引用变量是否声明
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idName">查询的id名称</param>
/// <returns>如果有定义返回true</returns>
public bool Find(string idName)
if (Entries.ContainsKey(idName))
return true;
if (PreTable is not null && PreTable.Entries.ContainsKey(idName))
if (_symbols.TryGetValue(name, out symbol))
return true;
throw new SemanticException("identifier "+ idName + " is not defined!");
foreach (SymbolTable table in ParentTables)
if (table._symbols.TryGetValue(name, out symbol))
return true;
symbol = null;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// 通过id名获取id的类型
/// 从符号表极其父表的类型表中查找类型
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idName">id名字</param>
/// <returns>id在符号表里的类型</returns>
public IdentifierType GetIdTypeByName(string idName)
/// <param name="typeName">欲查找的类型名称</param>
/// <param name="type">查找到的类型</param>
/// <returns>是否查找到类型</returns>
public bool TryGetType(string typeName, [NotNullWhen(true)] out PascalType? type)
if (Entries.ContainsKey(idName))
if (_typeTable.TryGetType(typeName, out type))
return Entries[idName].Type;
if (PreTable is not null && PreTable.Entries.ContainsKey(idName))
return PreTable.Entries[idName].Type;
return true;
throw new SemanticException("identifier "+ idName + " is not defined!");
foreach (SymbolTable parent in ParentTables)
if (parent._typeTable.TryGetType(typeName, out type))
return true;
type = null;
return false;
public bool IsConst(string idName)
private IEnumerable<SymbolTable> GetParents()
return Find(idName) && Entries[idName].IsConst;
SymbolTable? now = _parent;
while (now is not null)
yield return now;
now = now._parent;

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
/// <summary>
/// 符号表表项类
/// </summary>
public class SymbolTableEntry
public string Name;
public IdentifierType Type;
public bool IsConst; //是否为常量
public bool IsVarParam; //是否为引用变量
public SymbolTable? SubTable; //当前表项的子表
public SymbolTableEntry(string name, IdentifierType type, bool isConst, bool isVarParam)
Name = name;
Type = type;
IsConst = isConst;
IsVarParam = isVarParam;
public SymbolTableEntry(string name, IdentifierType type, SymbolTable subTable)
Name = name;
Type = type;
IsConst = false;
IsVarParam = false;
SubTable = subTable;

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@ -1,66 +1,37 @@
using System.Security;
using Canon.Core.Enums;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Security;
using Canon.Core.Exceptions;
namespace Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
/// <summary>
/// 类型表
/// </summary>
public class TypeTable
private Dictionary<string, IdentifierType> EntryDict { get; init; }
public TypeTable()
private readonly Dictionary<string, PascalType> _types = new()
EntryDict = new Dictionary<string, IdentifierType>();
EntryDict.Add("integer", new BasicType(BasicIdType.Int));
EntryDict.Add("real", new BasicType(BasicIdType.Real));
EntryDict.Add("char", new BasicType(BasicIdType.Char));
EntryDict.Add("boolean", new BasicType(BasicIdType.Bool));
{ PascalBasicType.Integer.TypeName, PascalBasicType.Integer },
{ PascalBasicType.Boolean.TypeName, PascalBasicType.Boolean },
{ PascalBasicType.Character.TypeName, PascalBasicType.Character },
{ PascalBasicType.Real.TypeName, PascalBasicType.Real }
/// <summary>
/// 判断类型表里是否已经有该类型
/// 根据类型名称查找类型表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeName">类型名称</param>
/// <returns>如果有返回true</returns>
public bool Check(string typeName)
/// <param name="typeName">想要查找的类型名称</param>
/// <param name="type">查找到的类型</param>
/// <returns>是否查找到类型</returns>
public bool TryGetType(string typeName, [NotNullWhen(true)] out PascalType? type)
return EntryDict.ContainsKey(typeName);
if (!_types.ContainsKey(typeName))
type = null;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// 往类型表里添加类型
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeName">类型名称</param>
/// <param name="identifierType">类型的类别(一般是记录)</param>
public void AddEntry(string typeName, IdentifierType identifierType)
if (!Check(typeName))
EntryDict.Add(typeName, identifierType);
throw new SemanticException("Failed to add to TypeTable! Types were repeatedly defined");
type = _types[typeName];
return true;
/// <summary>
/// 由类型名获取类型
/// </summary>
public IdentifierType GetTypeByName(string typeName)
if (Check(typeName))
return EntryDict[typeName];
throw new SecurityException("Failed to get type from typeTable! Type is not existed");

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
namespace Canon.Tests.SemanticTests;
public class PascalTypeTests
public void PascalBasicTypeTests()
PascalType integer = PascalBasicType.Integer;
PascalType boolean = PascalBasicType.Boolean;
PascalType character = PascalBasicType.Character;
PascalType real = PascalBasicType.Real;
PascalType voidType = PascalBasicType.Void;
Assert.Equal(integer, PascalBasicType.Integer);
Assert.Equal(boolean, PascalBasicType.Boolean);
Assert.NotEqual(integer, character);
Assert.NotEqual(boolean, real);
Assert.NotEqual(character, voidType);
public void PascalArrayTypeTests()
PascalType array1 = new PascalArrayType(PascalBasicType.Integer, 0, 10);
PascalType array2 = new PascalArrayType(PascalBasicType.Integer, 0, 10);
Assert.Equal(array1, array2);
PascalType array3 = new PascalArrayType(PascalBasicType.Integer, -9, -3);
Assert.NotEqual(array1, array3);
public void PascalFunctionTypeTests()
PascalType function1 = new PascalFunctionType([new PascalParameterType(PascalBasicType.Integer, false)],
PascalType function2 = new PascalFunctionType([new PascalParameterType(PascalBasicType.Integer, false)],
Assert.Equal(function1, function2);
PascalType function3 = new PascalFunctionType([new PascalParameterType(PascalBasicType.Real, true)],
Assert.NotEqual(function1, function3);

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
using Canon.Core.SemanticParser;
namespace Canon.Tests.SemanticTests;
public class SymbolTableTests
public void BasicTypeTest()
SymbolTable table = new();
Assert.True(table.TryGetType("integer", out PascalType? integer));
Assert.Equal(PascalBasicType.Integer, integer);
Assert.True(table.TryGetType("real", out PascalType? real));
Assert.Equal(PascalBasicType.Real, real);
Assert.True(table.TryGetType("boolean", out PascalType? boolean));
Assert.Equal(PascalBasicType.Boolean, boolean);
Assert.True(table.TryGetType("char", out PascalType? character));
Assert.Equal(PascalBasicType.Character, character);
public void SingleTableInsertAndFindTest()
SymbolTable table = new();
Assert.True(table.TryAddSymbol(new Symbol { SymbolName = "a", SymbolType = PascalBasicType.Integer }));
Assert.True(table.TryAddSymbol(new Symbol
SymbolName = "temperature", SymbolType = PascalBasicType.Real, Const = true
Assert.True(table.TryGetSymbol("a", out Symbol? a));
Assert.Equal(PascalBasicType.Integer, a.SymbolType);
Assert.False(table.TryGetSymbol("notExist", out a));
public void NestedTableInsertAndFindTest()
SymbolTable table = new();
Assert.True(table.TryAddSymbol(new Symbol { SymbolName = "a", SymbolType = PascalBasicType.Integer }));
Assert.True(table.TryAddSymbol(new Symbol
SymbolName = "temperature", SymbolType = PascalBasicType.Real, Const = true
SymbolTable child = table.CreateChildTable();
Assert.True(child.TryAddSymbol(new Symbol{SymbolName = "a", SymbolType = PascalBasicType.Real}));
Assert.True(child.TryAddSymbol(new Symbol
SymbolName = "level2", SymbolType = PascalBasicType.Boolean, Reference = true
Assert.True(child.TryGetSymbol("a", out Symbol? a));
Assert.Equal(PascalBasicType.Real, a.SymbolType);
Assert.True(table.TryGetSymbol("a", out a));
Assert.Equal(PascalBasicType.Integer, a.SymbolType);
Assert.True(table.TryGetSymbol("temperature", out Symbol? temp));
Assert.Equal(PascalBasicType.Real, temp.SymbolType);