program main; var g, i: integer; function func(n: integer): integer; begin g := g + n; write(g); func := g; end; begin i := 11; if (i > 10) and (func(i) <> 0) then i := 1 else i := 0; write(i); i := 10; if (i > 11) and (func(i) <> 0) then i := 1 else i := 0; write(i); i := 100; if (i <= 99) or (func(i) <> 0) then i := 1 else i := 0; write(i); i := 99; if (i <= 100) or (func(i) <> 0) then i := 1 else i := 0; if (func(99) = 0) and (func(100) <> 0) then i := 1 else i := 0; end.