using Canon.Core.SyntaxNodes; using Canon.Tests.Utils; namespace Canon.Tests.GrammarParserTests; public class PascalGrammarTests { [Fact] public void DoNothingTest() { const string program = """ program DoNothing; begin end. """; ProgramStruct root = CompilerHelpers.Analyse(program); Assert.Equal("DoNothing", root.Head.ProgramName.LiteralValue); Assert.Equal(15, root.Count()); } [Fact] public void AddTest() { const string program = """ program Add; var a : Integer; begin a := 1 + 1 end. """; ProgramStruct root = CompilerHelpers.Analyse(program); Assert.Equal("Add", root.Head.ProgramName.LiteralValue); } [Fact] public void WriteLnTest() { const string program = """ program exFunction; const str = 'result is : '; var a, b : Integer; begin writeln( str, ret ); end. """; ProgramStruct root = CompilerHelpers.Analyse(program); Assert.Equal("exFunction", root.Head.ProgramName.LiteralValue); } [Fact] public void CharacterTest() { const string program = """ program varTest; var a : integer; begin a := 9 div 1; end. """; ProgramStruct root = CompilerHelpers.Analyse(program); Assert.Equal("vartest", root.Head.ProgramName.IdentifierName); } [Fact] public void ArrayTest() { const string program = """ program arrayTest; var a : array [0..10] of integer; begin a[0] := 1; end. """; CompilerHelpers.Analyse(program); } [Fact] public void MultiplyArrayTest() { const string program = """ program arrayTest; var a : array [10..100, 0..10] of integer; begin a[10,0] := 1; end. """; CompilerHelpers.Analyse(program); } [Fact] public void ProcedureTest() { const string program = """ program main; procedure test; begin end; begin end. """; CompilerHelpers.Analyse(program); } [Fact] public void FunctionTest() { const string program = """ program main; function test(a, b : integer) : integer; begin test := 1; end; begin end. """; CompilerHelpers.Analyse(program); } [Fact] public void ForLoopTest() { const string program = """ program main; var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to 100 do begin doSomething(i); end; end. """; CompilerHelpers.Analyse(program); } [Fact] public void IfConditionTest() { const string program = """ program main; begin if 1 = 2 then begin test1; test2 := a; end else begin doSomething; end; end. """; CompilerHelpers.Analyse(program); } }